
Regarding Route Guidance of Navigation

During the route, turning on each cross point and the direction of each turn are advised in voice.

Concept of Navigation

Searching and selecting a route on the Route Overview Screen or pressing [MAP] on the head unit initiate the navigation in voice for the driver to drive to the destination referencing the screen display and the voice guidance.

Navigation includes the voice guidance on the route including directional changes to the destination based on the following concepts.


  1. On starting, the first voice guidance is activated.

When the vehicle is on the searched route, the guidance is made on the first turn.

  1. The driver drives the vehicle referencing the guidance on each turn.
  2. When approaching near to the destination, a voice massage "Close to the destination. The Voice Guidance ends.” is played.

Navigation on General Roads

On general roads, Voice guidance is activated on each turn and branch division.

Normally 3 guidance are provided at points of 700m, 300m and approx. 100m from a crossing.

The voice guidance differs depending on the road types as described in the followings.

Each turning is guided according to the form of crossing (3 way, 4 way or roundabout) as shown in the following figure.


Guide to the Destination

When the destination becomes close, the approaching to the destination is advised.

When almost arrived to the destination, a voice message "Close to the destination. The Voice Guidance ends.”


Navigation on Highway

The guidance is played before 3 km, 1 km, and 500 m on a highway, and, before 2 km, 1 km and 500 m on an expressway.

When entering and driving on a highway, voice guidance is played at the entrance, exit and interchange with another highway. The time of guidance is the same with the one for general roads at the entrance. At the exit or interchange, the guidance is played before 3 km, 1 km, and 500 m.


Advanced Guidance Mode

At the top left of screen, the 1st and 2nd turn information, the remaining distance and the name of heading area are displayed.


Tollgate Mode

When a tollgate is approached during the navigation to the destination, the guidance is displayed.


Zoom-in Mode at Crossing

Approaching to a crossing required for turning, the detail display guiding on the crossing in 3D opens.



  • Lanes or the name are not displayed on a crossing mot registered in Map Data.
  • The specified lanes and crossings may differ from the actual crossings.
  • The zoom-in mode of crossing may appear a little late or early.

Guidance List Mode

Displays TBT (Turn by Turn) information on the route. Displays IC/JC/TG/rest area information when driving on a highway.