Genesis Connected Services

Vehicle maintenance service

You can check the vehicle’s driving status or malfunctions based on the vehicle diagnosis and monthly report.

Vehicle diagnosis service

When a warning light related to the engine or transmission system turns on, you can diagnose your vehicle remotely. The information will be sent to the Genesis Connected Service Center. You can receive diagnosis results from a representative and use additional services, such as towing, route guidance to a repair shop, or a maintenance reservation. > See "Diagnosing your vehicle."

Viewing the monthly report

You can view the diagnosis result and driving information on a monthly basis by email. If a suspected malfunction is found, you can check the malfunction in detail and get the solution.
  • The regular inspection date for the monthly report is automatically set within seven days from the service activation date. If you do not drive the vehicle within seven days of the regular inspection date, the regular inspection service will not be performed.
  • To change the regular inspection date or your email address, visit the Genesis website (
  • The service may be restricted to corporate vehicles and leased or rented vehicles.
  • Suspected malfunctions may be deleted automatically according to the driving conditions.
  • The monthly report may differ from the actual results inspected by a service center.

Viewing the report at the company website

Visit the Genesis website (, sign in, and view the monthly report.